Happy Birthday to me!

I have always liked celebrating birthdays. YOUR birthday is the day to celebrate you —your uniqueness, your accomplishments of the year, and share it with your family and friends.

Today is my 50th birthday! Gulp! A tough one to swallow!

I am celebrating my uniqueness that the last fifty years have shaped. I am looking back at my accomplishments of not just the year, but again the last fifty years. I am very grateful to share these 50 birthdays with my family and friends.

I am now eligible for AARP but the card I really want is the one all old people carry. The one where you can just speak your mind and everyone listens not just because what you said is profound but because you old! I’m not there yet, but when I am…watch out!

Just remember…once you’re over the hill, you begin to pick up speed.

–Charles Schultz

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