Welcome to Inspired by Fuji

Thank you for joining me!

Inspired by Fuji is dedicated to my mother, Fuji.  She was my teacher and mentor in many ways.  The projects and blogs showcased on this site are in her honor.  I hope to inspire others with her stories, remembered by me during the time making these projects.img_0653

In our times together, purposeful or not, my mother told me stories of her life. I listened to some… and those stories that I remember… and have meaning to me, I would like to share with you, if you are willing to listen.

But, don’t get me wrong, this is a crafting/hobby site.  I will show you my MANY works in progress and final projects – past and present.  I will share with you the process of making or designing something.  I hope to inspire you through my work and the designs of others.

1 thought on “Welcome to Inspired by Fuji

  1. Sheila Clifford-Bova

    This is so beautiful, and I look forward to following you!


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